Case Studies

Complete confidence in water-tight protection

Phoenix Rogue is a new creative agency that brings life and energy to products by creating memorable, multi-sensory, packaging. Cory Carr, a co-founder, talks about how NZBT helped them to set their company up for success by putting the right protections in place.

A security blanket always there for us

Your Kitchen Ltd (Mastercraft Wellington) design, manufacture, and install kitchen solutions. Despite operating for 20 years without being seriously burnt by client failures, Sue Hawes, co-owner of the business, saw a critical need to revamp their legal documents.

Peace of mind – being 'right and tight'

Greg & Lyn Barnes, the owners of the business, knew about the serious legal and financial risks associated with privacy, terms of trade, and credit management – but they didn't have the resources to cover this adequately.

Compliance and protection – sorted

Heavylift needed their terms & conditions and privacy policy reviewed in keeping with changing laws. Donna Hicks, office manager, tells us how NZBT helped them cover vulnerabilities with a new level of protection for their business.

We highly recommend Steve for all credit management needs.

Steve Conti (NZ Business Tools) has been presenting to our business classes for a number of years. Steve generously shares his expertise on credit management to the business owners and business start-ups studying at Te Wananga o Aotearoa.